Appendix 1 – Aims and principles of the new Mental Health Support Service


The MHSS will be expected to work towards delivering the following aim:

MHSS will improve the mental health and wellbeing of the adult population. 

4.2 Principles                                                

The MHSS will be expected to adopt the following principles that describe how the services are delivered. Delivery of the MHSS will be monitored and measured with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) linked to the overall aim and principles.

1.    Addressing health inequalities. MHSS will have an emphasis on increasing access and improving outcomes for, those with protected characteristics (Protected characteristics | EHRC ( and for populations at higher risk of developing mental ill health.

a.    MHSS will be based on inclusivity, particularly for people with coexisting needs, learning disabilities and those with the highest levels of complexity and who experience marginalisation.

b.    MHSS will work within the local health and care systems to address health inequalities and social determinants of mental ill health.

c.    MHSS will promote population mental health and wellbeing, prevent ill health, and reduce stigma and discrimination towards people experiencing mental ill health.

2.    Co-production. MHSS will be co-produced in partnership with people who use services and their friends and family carers. They will be co-produced with people who are representative of the communities they serve.

3.    Accessible and person-centred. MHSS will take account of the whole person recognising their health and social needs and their roles as a parent, carer, worker, student, friend, and family member.

a.    MHSS will be easily accessible for Individuals, friends, families and carers.

b.    MHSS will improve the lives of people living with, experiencing and recovering from mental ill health.

4.    Partnership and neighbourhoods. MHSS will be integrated and joined up with other support services, working as part of the NHMT model and aligned with neighbourhood Integrated Community Teams (ICT).

a.    MHSS will be seamlessly delivered and maximise continuity of care.

5.    Evidence based. MHSS interventions will be based on best practice, population need, what works, what is cost effective and what data and people tell us.

6.    Trauma-informed. MHSS will be delivered in a psychologically and trauma informed way.

7.    Innovation. MHSS will be delivered flexibly with innovation in service delivery to provide value for money and meet local need.

8.    Promotion & Prevention. MHSS will prevent escalation of distress, reduce risk of suicide and self-harm with a focus on engaging with and ensuring support for populations that may be at higher risk of harm.